Saturday, 18 June 2011

Every cloud . . . . .

Gordon Brown’s deliberate and reckless public spending spree in the months before he and his party were crushed, was a bit like blowing the oil wells just before disappearing into the sunset.  

As we all now know to our cost, the Blair/Brown project cynically engineered a bloated public sector workforce, hoping to nurture future generations of voters. A win win situation because when, inevitably, it all came to an end, the Brown & Balls version of Saddam Husseins’ final days in power had guaranteed there would be a backlash - a veritable shit storm when the incoming party set about attempting to address the grotesque imbalance between the public and private sector.

It’s worth remembering, as we stare down the barrel of mass industrial action, not a single trade union leader voiced an opinion never mind a concern as Gordon & co. pissed our finances up the wall. But now it’s a different story and bankrupt Britain was all someone else’s fault – in the world of the TUC.

Still, with supreme irony and much hilarity, it’s good to know that the demise of the lefts favourite rag would appear to be one legacy of Labours car crash economy.

Revenues have plummeted and in particular, recruitment advertising. Public sector job advertising, the Guardianistas’ golden goose, has fallen by £41m in the last four years as Government departments have slashed spending on advertising. 

All of a sudden they have realised they don't need . . . . . . .

Community Project Leader / Healthy Eating Initiative / Horticulture
£25,639 per annum

Research Officer – Happiness and Wellbeing
£31,998 - £38,737

Social Worker - Talent Pool
£30,345 - £37,851

The Guardianista just like the party it supports is haemorrhaging cash, as well as readers, at an alarming rate and employees have been warned it will hit the wall in 3 -5 years unless radical changes are made i.e. redundancies on top of the significant numbers already cut, but which have failed to put a dent in £33m losses per year.

Now surely what would follow more job losses would be sustained and lengthy mass strike action by Guardianista NUJ members.

Something to smile about when your kids are not being taught, your buses, trains and planes are not moving and every other major pain in the arse inconvenience which is about to be forced upon you in the months ahead - Polly Toynbee freezing her tits off on a picket line.

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